Relax, Reflect and Support

We here in Quebec get a head start on summer with the St. John the Baptist holiday coming a week before Canada Day, as so many begin their summer holidays. At St. John’s, the festival season is almost back to normal after our COVID-19 hiatus, and the Jazz Festival has moved into our parish hall and former mission space for the duration.

We also commence summer with the story of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth on July 2. Mary and Elizabeth are cousins and find themselves both with child at the same time, although Elizabeth is far older and Mary is very young. Elizabeth will give birth to St. John the Baptist six months before Mary. Mary goes to visit her relative to provide assistance to her. An extra pair of hands is always of use. We are also told that Elizabeth lives in the hill country, and going up to the hills in the warmer season is something many people like to do in all parts of the world.

Many of us will be visiting relatives and friends over the summer period and just finding a time to relax and reflect. I recently spent a few days on Lac Ouimet in the Laurentians. I found it to be very calming. As you travel, if you can, support the local church in the area you are visiting. I know from my own experience; this is becoming more difficult as more and more parishes are forced by circumstances to amalgamate.

But whatever you have planned for the summer, please enjoy, keep safe, and continue to support and pray for one and other in these ever-changing times.


Faith, Hope and Full Steam Ahead


Remembering Beth Reed