
There are diversities of gifts : but the same SPIRIT

As a downtown church, St. John’s is home to a vibrant community of people with diverse backgrounds, interests, and talents. Here are some of our groups, associated organizations, and activities. Parishioners – old or new – are always welcome!

For information on regularly scheduled weekly events, see the Weekly Schedule.

For a monthly calendar, see This Month at the Red Roof.

Devotional societies

The Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament

The Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament (CBS) began as a devotional society in the Church of England in 1862. The aims of the Confraternity are:

  • to honour the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of His Body and Blood

  • to pray for one another at the Eucharist

  • to observe and promote careful preparation for Holy Communion, including the Eucharistic fast

Our ward of the Confraternity is known as St. Margaret’s Ward. One of the tasks which the CBS has done through the years has been to supply needy parishes with material needed for proper Eucharistic worship. A collection is taken up at each meeting with this in mind, and an impressive list of gifts has been given over the years. For more information about the Confraternity, please speak to one of the clergy.

Fr. Michael Robson (Superior of St. Margaret's Ward) with recent inductees of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacramnent.

Fr. Michael Robson (Superior of St. Margaret’s Ward) with recent inductees.

It is the same GOD which worketh all in all

Outreach & Service

Parishioners gather in the parish hall for a potluck meal and coffee.

Outreach & Membership Committee

The Outreach and Membership Committee works to raise the profile of St. John’s, increase our presence in the city, and reach more people with the ministries we offer. Originally focusing largely on better communicating and marketing the strengths of the Anglo-Catholic tradition we practice here, the committee’s work has evolved to broadly encompass an examination of the ways that we engage, serve and welcome those in our community. To learn more, please speak to one of the clergy.

A parishioner builds a wooden litter in the parish basement.
Parishioners happily prepare food in the parish hall kitchen.

Lending a hand

St. John’s values the talents and skills of its laypeople! Interested in being a Lector (the person who reads the Lesson at the Services), or assisting to upkeep the church, or putting your culinary skills towards our Sunday coffee hours and special events? Please speak to one of the clergy or to one of our wardens.

Your help in these areas – and many others – is always welcome and appreciated!

A lay lector reads the lesson at mass.

For by One SPIRIT are we all baptized into One BODY

Liturgy & Music

The sacristan and music director welcome interested parties at a table.

Liturgy & Music Committee

This committee meets periodically for discussion of the liturgy and music in the parish. We look back on past services and plan for future events. The meetings are open to anyone in the parish who wishes to attend. The goal is to maintain the quality of our services and to integrate clergy, servers, musicians and parishioners in the act of worshipping God “in the beauty of holiness.”

Please speak to one of the clergy if you would like to participate.

The altar party are led in procession down the aisle by the crucifer.

Altar Servers’ Guild

We are always looking for those interested in serving during the liturgy by becoming

  • Acolytes (those who assist at the Altar at Mass)

  • Crucifers (those who carry the processional cross)

  • Thurifers (those who handle the censor filled with incense).

Please speak to one of the clergy or to one of the servers for more information about serving at the Altar.

Two torchbearers and the crucifer go in procession.
The thurifer swings the censer full of incense.
A server distributes palms on Palm Sunday.
The choir, vested in red cassock and surplice, sing inside the church.

The Choir

St. John’s prides itself with on a long-standing tradition of great choral music. Its choir, which was originally composed of men and boys, is currently an adult mixed ensemble of professional musicians and talented undergraduate and graduate students in music and other disciplines.

Auditions for the choir can be arranged through the year by contacting the Music Director, Federico Andreoni, at

Now are they many members, yet but One BODY

Writing & Publication

The Evangelist

The Evangelist is St. John’s quarterly publication. If you have any articles of interest (spiritual reflections, social commentaries, book/film/music reviews, coverage of events, etc.) that you would like to contribute, please speak to one of the clergy.

Note: the pandemic has delayed regular publication of The Evangelist. The latest edition was published in December 2019.

The cover of the latest The Evangelist.
The bronze eagle lectern.

Now ye are the BODY of CHRIST and members in particular