
When I was doing my Undergraduate Degree at Queen Mary College, my friend and I would cycle out on Sunday to explore the country. One Sunday, we set out in sunshine to cycle to St Alban’s Cathedral for Morning Service. But just as we arrived down the steep hill, the clouds opened and torrential rain lashed down and we took our bikes into the Cathedral’s entrance and padlocked them together. The Minister remarked what a terrible day it was because it had been raining all night as well! I joked that I would pray for it to stop by end of Morning Service!

Just as we reached Communion and the Minister raised the Host, the sun burst out making the Cathedral a blaze of colour and brilliancy with a great white light on the Host! My friend looked at me and said that I must have prayed very strongly to convince God to change the weather. I answered that I had told God off for giving us another soaking for the third Sunday running, but I thanked Him for a Cathedral to shelter in! The lashing rain had cleaned the windows so they had never sparkled so brilliantly in years. The wet and glum congregation became animated and noisy as their Prayer and Hymn books pages glowed in reds, greens, and blues.

After Coffee and Biscuits as we were leaving, the Minister grabbed my arm and said, "How did you do that"?! I said that I had complained to God about the rain every time we cycled! He burst out in gales of laughter and said I must trust God a lot to tell him off! I said only when I am wet and cold. Well he said we should come every Sunday as it was always raining in St. Albans on Sundays.




