
It was a great disappointment to me, that so few Parishioners seem to have wanted to express their Happiness at Easter by sending me articles.

Still, you will find Mtr. Wendy expressing the happiness seen in Dancers, Father Keith on His Easter and Lent Reflections, and Kieran Wilson exploring the wonderful History of the Tabernacle on St. Anne’s Altar.

Then an Abstract of the talk on one of our Assistant Clergy, Rev. Dr. William Wright (1827-1908) who was also a Doctor in the McGill Medical Department, given by Frank Mackey, and sponsored by The Edmund Wood Foundation, who are to be commended for the Inititive.

Lastly, Beth Reed has written a nice introduction to our Recent New Members of St. John’s, and with Afra Tucker, an interesting Article on the Diocesan College’s Convocation.

One of the most Elegant Streets in Montreal, despite recent building of New rather large Modern Structures, has been reduced to a street looking like a Fair Ground, with the ugliest aluminum supports held by large hideous concrete bases to support silly wires from which to hang flags. Why not put the Flags on Wooden Flag Poles which would look more authentic and be recycled easily?

Then the art, so called, is some of the worst insults to a person’s intelligence ever collected in one location; The Wolf should devour the hideous Fat Lady and run amok through the rest of the rubbish!

Anyway, 375 years is not a Celebratory Year! St. John’s is Lucky to be surrounded by more interesting and human activities.




