Helping Hands: The Guild of St. Jude at Work

One of the challenges of worshipping in a 19th century heritage building is maintenance.

Like many old structures, the Church of St. John the Evangelist has not been immune to the ravages of time. Our main staircase (on President Kennedy Avenue) is a good example of what decades of wear and tear can do. Some of the steps have been displaced and are crumbling, and its overall stability required attention.

Recently, the Guild of St. Jude, led by Father Marc-Philippe Vincent, began repairing the stairs. Broken slabs were removed, foundations were cleaned and reinforced with concrete, and the steps put back into place. While work is still ongoing, we look to finish soon and have the staircase again be an accessible and welcoming entrance to our parishioners and to visitors to St. John’s.

Our thanks to Father Marc-Philippe and to his dedicated and hardworking volunteers, among them Scott, Don, Derek, Thomas, Theodore, Jacques and Landor.

As well, our gratitude to those who have been donating to the Friends of St. John’s. Your support helps us to upkeep the church and to fund similar projects.


Seeing Beyond the Veil